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Exhibit List

I.Geography & Customs

NO. Title Collection Number Collection Institution Exhibition Period
1 Head of shisa guardian lion Yachimu ware, Okinawa Late 19th century to first half of 20th century   Naha City Tsuboya Pottery Museum Full Period
2 Shisa guardian lion Yachimu ware, Okinawa Late 19th century to first half of 20th century   Naha City Tsuboya Pottery Museum Full Period
3 Folding screen with bird’s eye view map of Shuri and Naha Port 19th-20th centuries 伊江-161 Naha City Tsuboya Pottery Museum 113.09.07-10.06
4 Folding screen with Ryukyu trading port Scene Ryukyu 19th century 絵画1 Urasoe Art Museum Designated cultural property of Urasoe City 113.10.08-11.17
5 Ryukyu Kingdom From fascicle 81 of Sui shu(the History of the Sui Dynasty) Compiled by Wei Zheng, Tang dynasty Nanjing Imperial Academy edition, 26th year of the Wanli reign(1598), Ming dynasty 故觀010045 National Palace Museum Full Period
6 Ryukyu Kingdom From fascicle 1 of Record Zhufan Zhi(Records of Foreign Countries) Zhao Rugua, Song dynasty Manuscript edition imprint by the Wenyuan Pavilion of Siku Quanshu (the Complete Works of the Four Treasuries),Qianlong region (1736-1795), Qing dynasty 故庫012870 National Palace Museum Full Period
7 Ryukyu From fascicle 210 of Yuanshi(History of the Yuan Dynasty) Compiled by Song Lian, et al., Ming dynasty Printed edition by the Imperial Printing Office at Wuyingdian Hall, 44th year of the Qianlong reign(1779), Qing dynasty 故殿020672 National Palace Museum Full Period
8 Map of the Ryukyu Kingdom From Haidong Zhuguo ji (Records of Countries Eastward Across the Sea) Shin Sukju, Joseon dynasty (Korea) Manuscript in black-lined columns A 930 059 v.1 登錄號:174556 Institute of History and Philology at Academia Sinica Full Period
9 Ryukyu From fascicle 25 of Gazatteer of Fuzhou prefecture Compiled by Yu Zheng, Ming dynasty Printed edition, 41st year of the Wanli reign(1613), Ming dynasty 平圖008532 National Palace Museum Full Period
10 Foreign Country Vol.4: Ryukyu From fascicle 323 of Mingshi(History of the Ming Dynasty) Compiled by Zhang Tingyu, et al., Qing dynasty Printed edition by the Imperial Printing Office at Wuyingdian Hall,4th year of the Qianlong reign(1739), Qing dynasty 故殿020781 National Palace Museum Full Period
11 Sketched Map of Overseas Routes between the Southern Islands ntul-mn0002_ J163 National Taiwan University Library Full Period
12 Carte des Isles de Lieou-kieou (Map of the Ryukyu archipelago) 1819 購圖000002 National Palace Museum Full Period
13 Complete Map of the Islands Belonging to Ryukyu From Chūzan Pinshi Lue (Introduction of Ryukyuan Envoys Sent to Edo) Compiled by Saka Takuho, Japan 3rd year of the Tenpō reign(1832), Japan ntul-mn0002_j155 National Taiwan University Library Full Period
14 Complete Map of the Ryukyu Kingdom Archipelago Mid-19th century ntul-mn0002_ j195 National Taiwan University Library Full Period
15 Histories and Biographies of the Vassal States: Ryukyu Qing Historiography Institute edition, Republican era 故傳007482 National Palace Museum Full Period

II.Maritime Ryukyu & the East Asian World
II-I Ryukyu and Ming & Qing dynasty China

NO. Title Collection Number Collection Institution Exhibition Period
16 Dispatching Yang Zai to Ryukyu to Summon Tribute 16th day of the 1st month of the 5th year of the Hongwu reign(Februray 20, 1372), Ming dynasty From fascicle 71 of Daming Taizu Gao Huangdi Shilu(Veritable Records of the Emperor Gao, Taizu, of the Great Ming Dynasty) Complied by Hu Guang, et al., Ming dynasty Manuscript in red square edition, Ming dynasty 平圖003991 National Palace Museum Full Period
17 Decree to Satto, King of Ryukyu 3rd day of the 1st month of the 16th year of the Hongwu reign(Februray 5, 1383), Ming dynasty From fascicle 8 of Gao Huangdi Yuzhi wenji(Collection of Imperial Literary Works of Emperor Gao) Written by Zhu Yuanzhang, compiled by Song Lian, ed., Ming dynasty Revised and printing edition of Governor of Zhili Province, Yao Shiguan, 10th year of the Wanli reign (1582), Ming dynasty 贈善001807 National Palace Museum Full Period
18 Imperial Orders to Prince Shō Sei, Son of the King of Chūzan, Shō Shin of Ryukyu 7th day of the 8th month of the 11th year of the Jiajing reign (September 15, 1532) From volume 1, fascicle 2 of Lidai Baoan(Precious Documents of Successive Generations) Compiled by Sai Taku, Ryukyu Kingdom 中善0421(rh0343555) National Taiwan University Library Full Period
19 A Concise Record of Diplomatic Affairs From ShiLiuqiu Lu(Record of the Mission to Ryukyu) Chen Kan, Ming dynasty Original printed edition, Jiajing reign(1522-1555), Ming dynasty 平圖008866 National Palace Museum Full Period
20 Edict Conferring Princehood upon Shō Ei of Ryukyu 9th day of the 4th month of the 4th year of the Wanli reign(May 7, 1576), Ming dynasty From ShiLiuqiu Lu(Record of the Mission to Ryukyu) Compiled by Xiao Chongye, Xie Jie, Ming dynasty Original printed edition, Jiajing reign(1522-1555), Ming dynasty 204.26 02250 National Central Library Full Period
21 Preface to Record of the Mission to Ryukyu From ShiLiuqiu Lu(Record of the Mission to Ryukyu) Written by Xia Ziyang, Ming dynasty Handwritten copy, Ming dynasty 204.26 02263 National Central Library Full Period
22 Written Edict Crowning the King of Ryukyu 1st day of the 7th month of the 11th year of the Shunzhi reign(1644-1661), Qing dynasty From fascicle 85 of Daqing Shizu Zhang Huangdi Shilu(Veritable Records of the Emperor Zhang, Shizu, of the Great Qing) Compiled on imperial order by Lashali, et al., Qing dynasty Small red silk-bound Chinese edition, Qing dynasty 故官001897 National Palace Museum Full Period
23 Veritable Records of the Emperor Zhang, Shizu, of the Great Qing
3th month of the 11th year of the Shunzhi reign
(1644-1661), Qing dynasty
故官001894 National Palace Museum Full Period
24 Draft of Edict to be Issued to Ryukyu 5th month of the 21st year of the Kangxi reign(June 6-July 2, 1682), Qing dynasty 內閣大庫 058809 Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica Full Period
25 Record of the Mission to Ryukyu Written by Zhang Xueli, Qing dynasty Handwritten manuscript from the latter years of the Kangxi reign, Qing dynasty 210.7 17803-014 National Central Library Full Period
26 Biography of Wang Ji From Vol.3 of the Draft History of the Qing Dynasty: Biographies of the Literati Court manuscript edition written in redlined columns, Qing dynasty 故殿033543 National Palace Museum Full Period
27 Draft biography of Lin Linchang From fascicle 17 of Wenyuan Zhuan(Biographies of the Literati) State Historiography Institute edition, Qing dynasty 故傳004661 National Palace Museum Full Period
28 Draft biography of Lin Linchang From fascicle 17 of Wenyuan Zhuan(Biographies of the Literati) State Historiography Institute edition, Qing dynasty 210.7 16170 National Centural Library Full Period
29 Fourteen Poems on Boarding a Boat in Nantai and Crossing the Ocean to Travel to Chūzan and Take up a Post Written by Quan Kui, Qing dynasty From fascicle 79 of Qinding Xichao Yasong J:(Imperial Endorsed Collection of Eight Banner Poetry of the Dynasty) Compiled on imperial order by Tiebao, et al., Qing dynasty Printed edition of Ruan yuan in Zhejiang province at 9 to 10 year of Jiaqing reign(1804-1805), Qing dynasty 故殿024667 National Palace Museum Full Period
 30-31 Illustration of Imperial Envoys’Grounds; New Imperial Envoys’Grounds From fascicles 1 and 6 of Liuqiuguo Zhilue(Concise Gazetteer of the Ryukyu Kingdom) Written by Zhou huang, Qing dynasty Moveable-type printed edition by the Imperial Printing Office at Wuyingdian Hall, Qianlong reign(1736-1795), Qing dynasty 故殿018780、故殿018783 National Palace Museum Full Period
32 Envoys dispatched to the Ryukyu Kingdom Zhu Henian, Qing dynasty Ink and colours on paper 18th century 2013 Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum Full Period
33 Procession of the Envoys Dispatched to the Ryukyu Kingdom for Enthronement and Investiture of the New King 18th century 2378 Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum Full Period
34 Seven-Character Couplet in Running Script Wang Wenzhi, Qing dynasty 購書001315 National Palace Museum Full Period
35 Palace memorial on asking a white conch be given to Zhao Wenkai embarking for Ryukyu and enshrined in their ship’s hold as a numinous protective object Submitted by Yude, Governor-general of Fujian and Zhejiang provinces 22nd day of the 3rd month of the 5th year of the Jiaqing reign (April 15, 1800), Qing dynasty 故宮091102附件 National Palace Museum Full Period
36 Right-spiraling white conch in wooden box with leather covering Qianlong reign (1735-1796), Qing dynasty 故雜000558 National Palace Museum Full Period
37 Draft biography of Li Dingyuan State Historiography Institute edition, Qing dynasty 故傳005290 National Palace Museum Full Period
38 Seal Inscription “Reverent Vassal State” Inscribed by Emperor Jiaqing, Qing dynasty 5th year of the Jiaqing reign(1805), Qing dynasty 189 Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum Full Period
39 Rubbing reading “Vivaciously!” Calligraphy by Qi Kun, Qing dynasty 8th year of the Jiaqing reig(1803), Qing dynasty RJ000032 National Taiwan University Library Full Period
40-41 Edict enthroning King Shō Kō in the 13th year of the Jiaqing reign; Zheng Xiaode’s “Record of the Auspicious Spring” From fascicles 1 and “Arts and Literature” in the 4 of Xu Liuqioguo Jilue(Supplement to the Concise Gazetteer of the Ryukyu Kingdom) Written by Qi Kun, Fei Xizhang, Qing dynasty Moveable-type printed edition by the Imperial Printing Office at Wuyingdian Hall, Qianlong reign(1736-1795), Qing dynasty 故殿024582 故殿024586 National Palace Museum Full Period
42 Draft biography of Lin Hongnian Compiled by Li Yuerui, Qing dynasty Qing Historiography Institute edition,Republican era 故傳006660 National Palace Museum Full Period
43 Palace Memorial on reporting that the envoy sent to Ryukyu to confer a coronation has boarded its ship and is waiting for favorable winds to go out to sea Submitted by Lin Hongnian and Gao Renjian 27th day of the intercalary 4th month of the 18th year of the Daoguang reign(June 19, 1838), Qing dynasty 故宮107622 National Palace Museum Full Period
44 Palace Memorial on reporting the date of the envoy sent to Ryukyu to confer a coronation’s return to Fujian Submitted by Lin Hongnian and Gao Renjian 3rd day of the 11th month of the 18th year of the Daoguang reign(December 19,1838), Qing dynasty 故宮108058 National Palace Museum Full Period
45 Congratulations upon ascending to the throne Memorial presented by Shō Tai, Prince of Chūzan, of the Ryukyu Kingdom 4th day of the 8th month of the 2nd year of the Tongzhi reign(September 16, 1863), Qing dynasty 內閣大庫 164825 Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica Full Period
46 Palace Memorial on on behalf of the prince of the Ryukyu Kingdom to report on the situation of an English barbarian provoking disputes in Ryukyu 故宮120117附件 National Palace Museum Full Period
47 Communication from Prince Shō Tai of the Ryukyu Kingdom 28th day of the 10th month of the 2nd year of the Xianfeng reign (December 9, 1852), Qing dynasty 故機088574 National Palace Museum Full Period
48 Ships Delivering Tribute Ink and colours on paper 19th century 2125 Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum 113.09.07-10.06
49 Ships Delivering Tribute Sakugawa Kanka, Ryukyu Kingdom Ink and colours on paper 19th century P-2169 Tokyo National Museum 113.10.08-11.17
50 Chūzan Shijian (Reflections on Chūzan)
Compiled by Shō Shōken (Haneji Chōshū), Ryukyu Kingdom
Photographic reproduction of the edition held by the Okinawa PrefecturalMuseum & Art Museum, Japan
CZ 931.2998 0994 V.5 Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica Full Period
51 Palace Memorial on the envoy bringing tribute from the Ryukyu Kingdom embarking on their journey to Beijing from Fujian Submitted by Zhong Xiang, Governor-General of Fujian and Zhejiang, and Wei Yuanlang, Governor of Fujian 21st day of the 12th month of the 18th year of the Daoguang reign(February 4, 1839), Qing dynasty 故宮108441 National Palace Museum Full Period
52 The Land and Water Journey from Fujian to Beijing
Written by Wei Xueyuan, Ryukyu Kingdom
No.71 Institute for Okinawan Studies of Hosei University Full Period
53 Copy of Palace Memorial on reporting on the date of departure for the envoy bringing tribute from Ryukyu Submitted by Xu Zonggan, Governor of Fujian 8th day of the 9th month of the 3rd year of the Tongzhi reign(October 8, 1864), Qing dynasty 故機099667 National Palace Museum Full Period
54 Lidded decagon bowl with floral decoration in underglaze blue and wucai painted enamels Latter half of the 17th century Arita ware, Japan 故瓷010049 National Palace Museum Full Period
55 Octagonal dish with dragon and phoenix decoration in underglaze blue and wucai painted enamels 17th century Arita ware, Japan 故瓷003941 National Palace Museum Full Period
56 Dish with chrysanthemum petal patterns in gold, featuring underglaze blue and overglaze polychrome enamels 17th century Arita ware, Japan 故瓷016635 National Palace Museum Full Period
57 On foreign students From fascicle 1 of Huangming Taixue J:(Records of the Ming Dynasty Imperial College of Supreme Learning)Written by Guo Pan, Ming dynasty Chongzhen reign (1628-1644) addendum to the woodblock edition, based on the original edition printed in the 36th year of the Jiajing reign (1557), Ming dynasty 平圖009177 National Palace Museum Full Period
58 Stele memorializing the new construction of a Confucian academy in Ryukyu Calligraphy by Xu Baoguang, Qing dynasty 58th year of the Kangxi reign(1719) RJ00183 National Taiwan Uiversity Labrary Full Period
59 Record of the Rouyuan Station in Hekou From the appendix of Zhinan Guangyi(the General Guidebook) Compiled by Tei Junsoku (Nagu Ueekata Chōbun), Ryukyu Kingdom Manuscrip edition , Qing dynasty (B)日善10682 National Taiwan Uiversity Labrary Full Period
60 Hall of Court Academicians—Students from Ryukyu From fascicle 13 of Qinding Guozijian Zeli(Regulations for the Imperial Academies) Compiled on imperial order by Cheng Guang, et al., Qing dynasty Printed edition by the Imperial Printing Office at Wuyingdian Hall, 2nd year of the Jianqing reign(1797), Qing dynasty 故殿005847 National Palace Museum Full Period
61 Palace Memorial on behalf of King Shō Kō of Ryukyu asking for ministers to be dispatched to Beijing for studies along with the next tributary envoy Submitted by Qi Kun, the envoy dispatched to confer titles in Ryukyu, , and Fei Xizhang, Assistant Envoy 13th day of the 2nd month of the 14th year of the Jiaqing reign(March 28, 1809), Qing dynasty 故宮099182 National Palace Museum Full Period
62 Complete Chronicles of Ryukyuan Students Enrolled in the Imperial College of Supreme Learning Written by Wang Shizhen, Qing dynasty From Vol.47 of Xuehai Leobian (Reference Book on the Ocean of Learning) Compiled by Cao Rong, Qing dynasty Wooden moveable type edition by Mr. Zhao of Liu’an from the 11th year of the Daoguang reign(1831),Qing dynasty 故觀010581 National Palace Museum Full Period
63 Preface to Records of the Ryukyuans Studying at the Imperial Academy From fascicl 8 of Xunxuezhai wenchao(Manuscripts from the Xunxue Studio) Written by Sun Yiyan, Qing dynasty Woodblock edition from the 12th year of the Tongzhi reign(1879), Qing dynasty 贈善027071 National Palace Museum Full Period
64 Liuqiu Shilu (Ryukyuan collection of Chinese Poems), 4 Volumes Written by Ruan Xuanzhao , et al., Ryukyu Kingdom, Compiled by Sun Yiyan, Qing dynasty 1848 No.81 Institute for Okinawan Studies of Hosei University Full Period
65 Ryūkyū Kanwa shō/Liuqiu guanhua chao(Handwritten copy of extracts from a Ryukyuan Mandarin textbook) No.90 Institute for Okinawan Studies of Hosei University Full Period

II-II Ryukyu and the Tokugawa shogunate

NO. Title Collection Number Collection Institution Exhibition Period
66 Order by the Satsuma Domain, List of 15 Rules 19th day of the 9th month of the 16th year of the Keichō era (1611) Copied by Kohitsu Ryōetsu Ink on paper, outline traced and filled Meiji era (19th century) B-1787-1 Tokyo National Museum 113.09.07-11.03
67 Sai Clan Cemetery Stele 25th year of the Jiaqing reign(1820),Qing dynasty RJ00059 National Taiwan Uiversity Labrary Full Period
68 Various Overseas Countries Fascicle 119 of Tianxia Junguo Libingshu(On the Benefits and Faults of the Empire’s Local Administration) Compiled by Gu Yanwu, Qing dynasty Shanghai Complete Collection of Pictures and Books edition printed with lead moveable type and lithography 27th year of the Guangxu reign(1901), Qing dynasty 贈善032092 National Palace Museum Full Period
69 Exposition on Tribute from Ryukyu 12th day of the 11th month of the 40th year of the Wanli reign(December 4, 1612), Ming dynasty From fascicle 17 of Lunfei Zoucao (Draft Memorial of Grand Secretariat) Written by Ye Xianggao, Ming dynasty Printed edition by Mr. Ye of Fuqing, Wanli through Tianqi reigns(1573-1627), Ming dynasty 平圖016694 National Palace Museum Full Period
70 Declare for Ryukyu From fascicle 5 of Haifang Zuanyao(Compilation of Essentials on Naval Defense) Written by Wang Zaijin, Ming dynasty Original printed edition of 41st year of the Wanli reign(1613), Ming dynasty 平圖008736 National Palace Museum Full Period
71 Debating the Regression of Ryukyu to Japan Written by Wang Tao, Qing dynasty From Vol.51 of Xiaofanghu Yudi Congchao(Collected Manuscripts on Geography from the Xiaofanghu Studio) Compiled by Wang Xiqi, Qing dynasty Lead moveable type edition printed by Wang Xiqi and Shanghai Zhuyi Hall, 17th year of the Guangxu reign(1891),Qing dynasty 贈善030010 National Palace Museum Full Period
72 “Reflections upon Snow” horizontal inscribed board Calligraphy by Wang Weixin, Vice Envoy to Chūzan 19th century   Collection of Professor Liu Shiuhfeng Full Period
73 Illustrated Scroll of the Procession of the Chūzan King in Ryukyu Ink and colours on paper 18th-19th centuries 4260 Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum Full Period
74 Lidded stem bowl decorated with auspicious symbols of longevity in gold painted enamels Yongzheng reign (1723-1735), Qing dynasty 故瓷012253 National Palace Museum Full Period
75 On the Tribute Envoy From Chūzan Pinshi Lue Introduction of Ryukyuan Envoys Sent to Edo Compiled by Saka Takuho, Japan 3rd year of the Tenpō reign(1832), Japan ntul-mn0002_j155 National Taiwan Uiversity Labrary Full Period

II-III.Ryukyu and Taiwan

NO. Title Collection Number Collection Institution Exhibition Period
76 Palace Memorial on the circumstances causing a foreign boat from Ryukyu Kingdom to drift into territorial waters Submitted by Shanjibu and Ding Shiyi, Investigating Censors of Taiwan 4th day of the 6th month of the 2nd year of the Yongzheng reign(July 23,1742), Qing dynasty 故宮011210 National Palace Museum Full Period
77 Palace Memorial on the circumstances of the rescue of foreign citizens from Ryukyu Kingdom who encountered strong winds at sea Submitted by Wang Zhiyi, Governor of Fujian 29th day of the 1st month of the 5th year of the Jiaqing reign(February 22,1800), Qing dynasty 故宮090640 National Palace Museum Full Period
78 Poem memorializing the rescue and care given to the foreign refugees from Ryukyu who were blown into territorial waters by strong winds at sea From fascicle 8 of the Gazetteer of Kavalan District in Taiwan Prefecture Compiled by Dong Zhengguan, Qing dynasty Printed edition, 2nd year of the Xianfeng reign(1852), Qing dynasty 贈善021116 National Palace Museum Full Period
79 Fujian Provincial Administration Commission Investigations to Maintain Order 24th day of the 5th month of the 60th year of the Kangxi reign(July 18, 1721), Qing dynasty From Vol.2, fascicle 11 of Lidai Baoan(Precious Documents of Successive Generations) Compiled by Sai Taku, Ryukyu Kingdom 中善0421(rh0350803) National Taiwan Uiversity Labrary Full Period
80 Fujian Provincial Administration Commission Official Reports 12th day of the 8th month of the 15th year of the Qianlong reign(September 12, 1750), Qing dynasty From Vol.2, fascicle 31 of Lidai Baoan(Precious Documents of Successive Generations) Compiled by Sai Taku, Ryukyu Kingdom 中善0421(rh0356784) National Taiwan Uiversity Labrary Full Period
81 Chengbing wenji (A Compilation of Official Petitions and Reports) Compiled by Gi Gakuken, Ryukyu Kingdom No.66 Institute for Okinawan Studies of Hosei University Full Period
82 Copy of a palace memorial on the possible attack on Taiwan by the Japanese navy Presented by Li Henian, the Governor-General of Fujian and Zhejiang 27th day of the 3rd month of the 13th year of the Tongzhi reign (May 12, 1874), Qing dynasty 故機115476 National Palace Museum Full Period
83 Original diplomatic note to Lieutenant General Saigo Jyuudou of Japan Grand Council 25th day of the 5th month of the 13th year of the Tongzhi reign(July 8, 1874), Qing dynasty 故機115987附件 National Palace Museum Full Period
84 Copy of a palace memorial on Requesting that the diplomat posted to Japan demand the return of Ryukyu Submitted by Huang Tifang, Superintendent of Education in Jiangsu province 11th day of the 3rd month of the 8th year of the Guangxu reign(April 28,1882), Qing dynasty 故機122847 National Palace Museum Full Period
85 Palace Memorial on behalf of the Ryukyu Kingdom, judicial councilors visit the Ministry of Rites in order to report on the circumstances of their country’s mistreatment by Japan Submitted by Encheng, Minister of Rites 12th day of the 5th month of the 8th year of the Guangxu reign(June 27, 1882), Qing dynasty 故機123811 National Palace Museum Full Period
86 Report with full accounting given by your liege,official at the Ryukyu Kingdom’s Council of the Judiciary, Mō Hōrai (Tomikawa Ueekata Seikei) 8th day of the 5th month of the 8th year of the Guangxu reign(June 23, 1882), Qing dynasty 故機123812 National Palace Museum Full Period
87 Copy of Palace Memorial on investigation indicates that the Ryukyuans residing in Beijing have not been in collusion with Japanese pirates Submitted by Qilan, Investigating Censor of the Shanxi Circuit Patrolling the North City, and Tang Chunsen,Holder of the Seal-cum-Supervising Secretary for the Office of Scrutiny for War in the North City 28th day of the 9th month of the 20th year of the Guangxu reign(October 26, 1894), Qing dynasty 故機136545 National Palace Museum Full Period

III.Circulation of Material Culture & Dissemination of the Arts
III-I.Gifts of state and tribute to the emperors

NO. Title Collection Number Collection Institution Exhibition Period
88 Rouyuan Postal Station From fascicle 18 of the Gazetteer of Fuzhou Prefecture Compiled by Xu Jingxi, ed., Qing dynasty Printed edition from the 19th year of the Qianlong reign(1754), Qing dynasty 故志003589 National Palace Museum Full Period
89 Copy of Palace Memorial on the circumstances of the Ryukyu tributary envoy’s ship’s commercial trade Submitted by Kaerjishan, Governor-General of Fujian and Zhejiang 10th day of the 5th month of the 12th year of the Qianlong reign(June 14, 1747), Qing dynasty 故機000562 National Palace Museum Full Period
90 Copy of Palace Memorial on the Ryukyuan tributary envoy ship leaving Fujian and the list of duty exemptions of merchandise Submitted by Fugang, Governor of Fujian province 21st day of the 3rd month of the 25th year of the Qianlong reign(May 6, 1760), Qing dynasty 故機026883(含附件) National Palace Museum Full Period
91 Copy of Palace Memorial on according to standard practices of exemptions from duty paid for Ryukyu tributary envoy ships and list of merchandise Submitted by Gioro Yongde, Governor-General of Fujian and Zhejiang 12th day of the 7th month of the 46th year of the Qianlong reign(August 30, 1781),Qing dynasty 故機000562(含附件) National Palace Museum Full Period
92 Palace Memorial on following the emperor’s order to purchase a carved lacquerware folding room divider screen and respectfully presenting it for the emperor’s perusal Submitted by Gioro Yongde, Governor-General of Fujian and Zhejiang 28th day of the 9th month of the 46th year of the Qianlong reign(November 13, 1781), Qing dynasty 故宮065282 National Palace Museum Full Period
93 Overview of merchandise on Chinese ships 53rd year of the Qianlong reign(1788) From Oyamise Nikki (Diary of a Oyamise) Compiled by the Sjui Palace, Ryukyu Kingdom Collection of the National Taiwan University Library (B)日善14559 National Taiwan Uiversity Labrary Full Period
94 Kansen Nikki (Crown Shops Diary) 58th year of the Kangxi reign(1719), Qing dynasty Compiled by the Shuri Palace, Ryukyu Kingdom Collection of the National Taiwan University Library (B)日善 14613 National Taiwan Uiversity Labrary Full Period
95 Cargo manifest for items brought by the Chinese on the crown ship arriving in the 58th year of the Kangxi reign From Lidai Baoan(Precious Documents of Successive Generations), collected works Compiled by Sai Taku, Ryukyu Kingdom 中善0421(rh0424684) National Taiwan Uiversity Labrary Full Period
96 Record of a dispute over prices of merchandise carried in a crown ship 18th year of the Daoguang reign(1838), Qing dynasty Compiled by the Shuri Palace, Ryukyu Kingdom (B)日善10695-10696 National Taiwan Uiversity Labrary Full Period
97 The List of gifts presented to the Satsuma Domain Compiled by Ryukyu Kingdom 18th year of the Daoguang reign(1838), Qing dynasty (B)日善10693 National Taiwan Uiversity Labrary Full Period
98 On the tributary offerings from King of Chūzan, Shō Shin of the Ryukyu Kingdom 18th day of the 8th month of the 4th year of the Zhengde reign(August 3, 1509), Ming dynasty From Vol.1, fascicle 42 of Lidai Baoan(Precious Documents of Successive Generations) Compiled by Sai Taku, Ryukyu Kingdom 中善0421(rh0311441) National Taiwan Uiversity Labrary Full Period

III-II.Crafts and merchandise

NO. Title Collection Number Collection Institution Exhibition Period
99 Pale blue bingata robe with peony and swallow motifs 19th-20th centuries I-245 Kyushu National Museum 113.09.07-09.29
100 Peach-colored ramie warp and weft ikat robe 18th-19th centuries 福地-03 Naha City Museum of History 113.09.07-09.29
101 Silk-lined red bingata robe with motif of dragons, pearls,and auspicious clouds 18th-19th centuries Collection of the Naha City Museum of History 37-紅型-29-29 Naha City Museum of History 113.10.01-10.13
102 Lined yellow silk ikat weave robe with motif of flowingwater, keys, and rhombuses 18th-19th centuries Collection of the Naha City Museum of History 61-織-11-52 Naha City Museum of History 113.10.01-10.13
103 Yellow bingata cotton robe with motif of chrysanthemums, peonies, clouds, and long-tailed birds Okinawa Main Island Second Shō dynasty, Ryūkyū kingdom (19th century) I-3482 Tokyo National Museum 113.10.15-12.01
104 Silk-lined ikat weave bashōfu robe with twill tabune (rice field boat) pattern Okinawa Main Island Second Shō dynasty, Ryūkyū Kingdom (19th century) I-3498 Tokyo National Museum 113.10.15-12.01
105 Eight-petalled carved black lacquer dish with peacock and peony design Yuan dynasty through early Ming dynasty 故漆000472 National Palace Museum Full Period
106 Carved red lacquer round lidded box with flowering plants design Yongle reign (1402-1424), Ming dynasty 故漆000533 National Palace Museum Full Period
107 Black lacquer bulb-handled writing brush stem with shell inlay Ganoderma lucidum and hornless dragon design Qing dynasty (1644-1911) 故漆000551 National Palace Museum Full Period
108 Gilded black lacquer food container with design featuring peacocks,peonies, and vines 16th-17th centuries, Ryukyu Kingdom 漆 440 Urasoe Art Museum Full Period
109 Lacquered inkstone box with raden (shell inlay) and gold maki-e design featuring grapes and chipmunks 17th-18th centuries, Ryukyu Kingdom Collection of Urasoe Art Museum 漆 94 Urasoe Art Museum Full Period
110 Large black lacquer tray with raden (shell inlay) design featuring clouds and dragons 18th-19th centuries 漆 53 Urasoe Art Museum Full Period
111 Red lacquered tundabun (segmented food serving vessel) with gold maki-e design featuring landscapes and human figures 18th-19th centuries 漆 123 Urasoe Art Museum Full Period
112 Gilded red lacquered food container with design featuring tomoe, peonies,vines, and Buddhist “seven treasures” 19th century 1674 Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum Full Period
113 Sanjiko (three-handled jar) with tricolor glaze 19th century 82-陶器-03 Naha City Museum of History 113.09.07—11.03
114 Celadon-glazed phoenix tail porcelain vase with raised floral decoration Longquan ware, Yuan dynasty 故瓷003551 National Palace Museum Full Period
115 Celadon-glazed porcelain dish with impressed peony design Longquan ware, Ming dynasty 故瓷011382 National Palace Museum Full Period
116 Celadon-glazed flared-rim porcelain dish with incised floral design Longquan ware, Ming dynasty 中瓷003347 National Palace Museum Full Period
117 Celadon-glazed porcelain bowl with incised floral design Longquan ware, Ming dynasty 故瓷005302 National Palace Museum Full Period
118 Celadon-glazed porcelain jar with incised design featuring branches laden with flowers and fruit Longquan ware, Ming dynasty 故瓷010072 National Palace Museum Full Period
119 Celadon-glazed flared-rim porcelain dish with impressed floral design Longquan ware, Ming dynasty 故瓷011057 National Palace Museum Full Period
120 Celadon-glazed porcelain bowl with impressed floral design Longquan ware, Ming dynasty 中瓷001330 National Palace Museum Full Period
121 Celadon-glazed octagonal porcelain dish with incised floral decoration Longquan ware, Ming dynasty 故瓷014593 National Palace Museum Full Period
122 Celadon-glazed petal-rimmed porcelain dish with design featuring character Ming dynasty   Okinawa Prefectural Archaeological Center Full Period
123 Blue-and-white porcelain petal-rimmed plate with lotus pond, peony, and coiling grass design Jingdezhen ware, Yuan dynasty Unearthed in the Nikai-don Area, Shuri Castle Collection of the Okinawa Prefectural Archaeological Center   Okinawa Prefectural Archaeological Center Full Period
124 Celadon-glazed porcelain jar with incised flower design Longquan ware, Ming dynasty Unearthed in the East Azana Area, Shuri Castle Collection of the Okinawa Prefectural Archaeological Center   Okinawa Prefectural Archaeological Center Full Period
125 Celadon-glazed porcelain dish with dragon design Longquan ware, Yuan dynasty Unearthed in the Nikai-don Area, Shuri Castle Collection of the Okinawa Prefectural Archaeological Center   Okinawa Prefectural Archaeological Center Full Period
126 Blue-and-white porcelain dish with cross design Jingdezhen ware, Ming dynasty Unearthed in the East Azana Area, Shuri Castle Collection of the Okinawa Prefectural Archaeological Center   Okinawa Prefectural Archaeological Center Full Period
127 Blue-and-white porcelain yuhuchun vase with dragon design Jingdezhen ware, Yuan dynasty Unearthed in the Nikai-don Area, Shuri Castle   Okinawa Prefectural Archaeological Center Full Period
128 Bowl with doucai painted enamel floral design Jingdezhen ware, Yongzheng reign (1723-1735), Qing dynasty Unearthed in the Uchi-hara Area, Shuri Castle   Okinawa Prefectural Archaeological Center Full Period
129 Bowl with red glaze Jingdezhen ware, Kangxi reign (1643-1661), Qing dynasty Unearthed in the Uchi-hara Area, Shuri Castle   Okinawa Prefectural Archaeological Center Full Period
130 Plate with figures in wucai painted enamels Jingdezhen ware, Xianfeng reign(1850-1861), Qing dynasty Unearthed in the Nakagusuku Udun   Okinawa Prefectural Archaeological Center Full Period
131 Blue-and-white porcelain plate with fish and aquatic plants design 15th century, Vietnam Unearthed in the Nikai-don Area, Shuri Castl   Okinawa Prefectural Archaeological Center Full Period
132 Blue-and-white porcelain plate with floral pattern from Hizen Late 17th century-18th century Nabeshima ware, Japan Unearthed in the Management Road Area, Shuri Castle   Okinawa Prefectural Archaeological Center Full Period
133 Blue-and-white porcelain plate with willow tree design 18th century -19th century, Holland Unearthed in the Kanhiemon and Kyukeimon, Shuri Castle   Okinawa Prefectural Archaeological Center Full Period
134 Plate with fish design in wucai painted enamels 19th century 6342 Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum Full Period
135 Teapot with geese and crab design in wucai painted enamels 19th century 1698 Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum Full Period
136 Liquor flask with nail-incised bamboo and plum blossoms design 19th century 2240 Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum Full Period
137 Liquor bottle from Tonaki 19th century 1443 Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum Full Period

III-III.Spreading painting styles: From imitation to establishing a unique style

NO. Title Collection Number Collection Institution Exhibition Period
138 Desolate Temple in Snowy Mountains Fan Kuan, Song dynasty silk 故畫00824 National Palace Museum 113.09.07-10.06
139 Snowy Landscape In Genryō (Zamami Yosho) silk 19th year of the Qianlong reign, Qing dynasty 21159 Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum 113.09.07-10.06
140 Landscape Go Sunyi (Masayoshi Yakena) silk 18th century Collection of the Tokyo National Museum A-1341 Tokyo National Museum 113.10.08-11.03
141 Landscape In Genryō (Zamami Yosho) Paper 18th century A-1220 Tokyo National Museum 113.11.05-12.01
142 Ryukyuans navigating swiftly on a boat down a river during autumn Go Sunyi (Masayoshi Yakena) silk 18th century   Collection of Professor Liu Shiuhfeng Full Period
143 Divine Cat Go Shiken (Yamaguchi Soki) Paper 3rd year of the Yongzheng reign, Qing dynasty 横内-画-010 Naha City Museum of History 113.09.07-10.06
144 A Cat Amidst Blooming Chrysanthemum and Okra Shen Zhenlin, Qing dynasty Paper 故畫003409 National Palace Museum 113.09.07-10.06
145 Ryukyu Tiger Paper 18th century 1692 Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum 113.10.08-11.03
146 Finger Painting of a Tiger Hua Chiu, Qing dynasty silk 贈畫000760 National Palace Museum Donated by Mr Lin Tsung-i 113.11.05-12.01
147 Tiger Paper 19th century A-9974 Tokyo National Museum 113.11.05-12.01
148 Crane and pine Sun Yi, Qing dynasty silk 22nd year of the Kangxi reign, Qing dynasty 11543 Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum 113.09.07-10.06
149 Flowers and Birds Mo Choki (Sadoyama Anken) Paper 19th century 6573 Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum 113.09.07-10.06
150 Ryukyuan Official and Concubine (Uyanma) Shin Kok ki(Izumikawa Kando) Paper 19th century 1842 Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum 113.10.08-11.03
151 Flowers and Birds Sun Yi, Qing dynasty Silk 44th year of the Kangqi reign, Qing dynasty 11542 Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum 113.10.08-11.03
152 Flowers and Birds In Genryō (Zamami Yosho) Silk 18th century 1832 Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum 113.10.08-11.03
153 Wild Pheasant in Frigid Snow Lü Ji, Ming dynasty Paper 故畫000455 National Palace Museum 113.11.05-12.01
154 Pheasants in the Snow In Genryō (Zamami Yosho) Paper 18th century 2229 Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum 113.11.05-12.01