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Relocation of Important Artifacts to Taiwan

     The beginning of the Battle of Xupeng in November 1948 presented a serious threat to Nanking, the capital of the Nationalist government, and the Palace Museum and the Preparatory Office of the National Central Museum decided to evacuate the most treasured objects in their collections to Taiwan. In late February 1949, a total of 3,824 crates containing precious artifacts arrived in Taiwan in three separate shipments and were temporarily housed in the Taichung Sugar Mill warehouse. In August, in response to wartime conditions, the two museums were placed under a Joint Administrative Office, together with the National Central Library, with the Office under the supervision of the Ministry of Education. In May 1950, the government set up a Joint Council to oversee the operation of the two museums.

    The Taichung Sugar Mill warehouse
    Crates stored in the Taichung Sugar Mill warehouse
    Staffers from the Palace Museum contingent of the JAO working in the Taichung Sugar Mill warehouse
    Staffers from the National Central Museum contingent of the JAO working in the Taichung Sugar Mill warehouse