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Local Administration in the Multi-ethnic Empire

Under Qing rule, China was a multi-ethnic state dominated by the Manchus. In order to maintain stability, the political system at the central government level reflected the state's multi-ethnic composition; meanwhile, at the local government level, regimes of governance also mirrored regional characteristics.

The Chengde Summer Resort stood at the juncture of Manchu, Mongol, and Chinese territories, so the local administrative system was an amalgamation of the governance structures of the three groups: the Manchu Eight Banners were stationed there to ensure the security of the Resort and provide a livelihood for the Manchus, the Mongolian Banners system was a way for the Qing court to woo the Mongol elite and meet their socio-economic needs, while the prefectural and county divisions helped to govern the vast number of Han settlers. Later, with the creation in Jehol of the post of Commander-in-Chief (dutong) during the Jiaqing reign, the above three distinct systems were brought under a single military governance system.

Ally Flag System

To comfort and stabilize Mongolian people following the rise of the Manchus, the ally flag system was developed. The system complied with the principles of the Manchu eight banner system and referenced the original Mongolian social structure. Boundaries were demarcated according to existing pasture locations and unauthorized border crossing was prohibited. Tribes with flags formed an alliance.

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    • Inner Mongolia
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    Inner Mongolia

    • From Huangchao Dilizhi (The Imperial Court Gazetteer)

    The Summer Resort, offered by the Mongolian princes to the emperor, was initially located between the various tribes in Inner Mongolia. The Mongolian ally flags around the resort were mainly those under the Josutu League and the Zhaowuda League. The two leagues had four tribes and nine flags and eight tribes and eleven flags, respectively.

The Josutu League had four tribes and nine flags
LeagueTribeNumber of flagsAlliance location
Josutu LeagueDörbet1Tumed right wing
Gorlos Front and rear flags2
Kharchin Front and rear flags3
Tumed Front, right, and left attached flags3
The Zhaowuda had eight tribes and 11 flags
LeagueTribeNumber of flagsAlliance location
ZhaowudaAohans1Onnigud left wing
Baɣarin Left and right wings2
Jaruud Left and right wings2
Onnigud Left and right wings2
Aru qorin1
Khalkha left wing1