Late Western Zhou dynasty BC827-782

Hu wine vessel of Song


Exhibition name

Late Western Zhou dynasty BC827-782

Hu wine vessel of Song

Height: 63cm, Rim diameter: 21.2×16.9 cm, Base diameter: 24.3×31.7cm

This wine vessel would have been reserved for use on important occasions. Its enormous proportions and multilayered decorative design give it a magnificent sense of dynamic motion. The same 152-character long inscription can be found on the vessel's lid as well as within its body. Cast in an elegant style with graceful characters, the inscription commemorates a ceremony in which the King of Zhou conferred titles of nobility upon Song, the owner of this vessel. The time and location of the ceremony are recorded, as well as the various stages of ritual carried out by the participating ministers. The text finishes by describing the responsibilities conferred by the King of Zhou during this rite and the gifts of chariots and vestments bestowed upon Song. Its detailed depiction of late Western Zhou court life makes this inscription especially valuable to historians.