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The Beginnings of the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
TitleAuthorLanguage / Year /Region / MaterialNotes
Corpus Dyonisianum nella Versione Latina di Ambrogio Traversari (Corpus Dyonisianum in the Latin Version of Ambrogio Traversari)Dionigi l'Areopagita (Dionysius the Airopagite, c. 1st century)Latin / Mid-15th century / Italy / MembraneOriginal
Omelie Mariane (Homilies on the Life of the Virgin Mary)James of Kokkinobaphos12th century / Constantinople / ParchmentImage reprinting
Bibbia (Bible)--Greek / Mid-4th century / Egypt or Palestine / ParchmentImage reprinting
Lectionarium in Festis ss. Benedicti, Mauri et Scholasticae (Lectionary for the Feasts of Saints Benedict, Maurus and Scholastica)--Second half of 11th century / Cassino / ParchmentImage reprinting
Opere (Works)Virgil (Publius VergiliusMaro, 70-19 B.C.)Early 6th century / Rome orRavenna / ParchmentImage reprinting
Il Pontificale di Bonifacio IX (The Pontifical of Boniface IX)--Latin / 1389-1404 / MembraneImage reprinting
The Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana in the Renaissance
TitleAuthorLanguage / Year /Region / MaterialNotes
Pentateuco (Five Books of Moses)--Hebrew, Samaritan Aramaic, Arabic / 1343 / ParchmentOriginal
Ab Urbe Condita (History of Rome)Livy (Titus Livius, 59 B.C.-A.D. 17)15 century / ParchmentOriginal
Geographia (Geography)Claudius Ptolemy (c. 100-c. 170)Latin translation by Jacopo Angeli da Scarperia (c. 1360-1410/1411) / 15 century / ParchmentOriginal
The Construction of New Facilities and the Acquisitions of the 17th Century
TitleAuthorLanguage / Year /Region / MaterialNotes
Le Cose Volgari (The Vernacular Poetry)Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca, 1304-1374)1501 / VeniceOriginal
Francisci Petrarche Laureati Poete Rerum Vulgarium Fragmenta (Occasional Pieces in the Vernacular by Francesco Petrarca Poet Laureate)Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca, 1304-1374)--Image reprinting
Bibbia di Leone (Bible of Leo Patricius)--10th century / ParchmentImage reprinting
Iliade (Iliad)Omero (Homer)Greek and Latin / 15thcentury / Rome / ParchmentOriginal
Nuovo Testamento in Ebraico (New Testament in Hebrew)--15th century / PaperOriginal
Divina Commedia (Divine Comedy)Dante Alighieri (c. 1265-1321)
With illustrations by Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510)
Vernacular Italian / 15thcenturyImage reprinting
Divina Commedia (Divine Comedy)Dante Alighieri (c. 1265-1321)Italian / 1474-1482 / MembraneImage reprinting
Bibbia di Federico da Montefeltro (Federico da Montefeltro Bible)--(1477)-1478 / ParchmentImage reprinting
Menologio di Basilio II (Menologium of Basil II)--976-1025Image reprinting
Evangeliario di Lorsch (Lorsch Gospel Book)--Early 9th century / ParchmentImage reprinting
Sacramentario Gelasiano (Gelasian Sacramentary)--c. 750 / ParchmentImage reprinting
Rotolo di Giosuè (Joshua Roll)--10th century / ParchmentImage reprinting
Segni Zodiacali (Astrological Signs)Claudius Ptolemy (c. 100-c. 170)9th centuryImage reprinting
Corpus Agrimensorum Romanorum (Roman Book on Land Surveying)--9th century / Fulda / ParchmentImage reprinting
Geographia (Geography)Claudius Ptolemy (c. 100-c. 170)c. 1470Image reprinting
De Arte Venandi cum Avibus (On the Art of Hunting with Birds)Frederick II, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (r. 1220-1250)13th centuryImage reprinting
Euclidis Elementorum Geometricorum Libri Tredecim (The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements)Euclid (c. 367-c. 283 B.C.)
Recension of Nasir al-Din, Muhammad ibn Muhammad, al-Tusi (1201-1273)
1594 / RomeOriginal
Figure Nuovamente Fatte degli Strumenti Astronomici
(On Astronomical Instruments and Apparatus)
Ferdinand Verbiest S.J. (1623-1688)Chinese / 1674Original
Artzney-Buch (Artzney Book)Christoph Wirsung (1500-1571)1568 / HeydelbergOriginal
Opere (Works)Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro, 70-19 B.C.)4th-5th century / ParchmentImage reprinting
Eighteenth-century Collecting
TitleAuthorLanguage / Year /Region / MaterialNotes
Tarih ül-Hind il-Garbi el-müsemma bi-Hadis-i Nev
(The History of America and the West Indies)
--1730 / Istanbul / PaperOriginal
An Octoëchus (An Octoechos)--11th century / ParchmentOriginal
Epistolae ad Atticum (Letters to Atticus)Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.)1490 / RomeOriginal
Briefe und Aesop-Fabeln (Letters and the Fables of Aesop)Martin Luther (1483-1546)Latin, German / 16th-18th century / MembraneImage reprinting
Leggendario Angioino Ungherese (Hungarian Angevin Legendary)--14th century / ParchmentImage reprinting
De Oratore, Orator, Brutus, De Optimo Genus Oratorum (On the Orator, Orator, Brutus, On the Best Kind of Orators)Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.)1422-1425 / ParchmentOriginal
Battaglia degli Ignudi (Battle of the Nudes)Antonio Benci, detto il Pollaiolo (c. 1431-1498)[1460-1475] / BurinImage reprinting
The 19th Century
TitleAuthorLanguage / Year /Region / MaterialNotes
Attica – Athens
--5th century B.C. / SilverOriginal
Sicily – Syracuse
--5th century B.C. / SilverOriginal
Denario (Denarius)
Roman Republic
--c. 268-240 B.C. / SilverOriginal
Sesterzio (Sestertius)
Rome – Nero
--58-64 / BronzeOriginal
Papal States – Julius II (r. 1503-1513)
--1503-1513 / SilverOriginal
Amuleto a giorno con due dragoni posizionati testa-coda (Open amulet with two dragons positioned head to tail)--BronzeOriginal
Medaglia Celebrativa dell'Imperatore Bizantino Giovanni VIII Paleologo (Celebratory Medal of the Byzantine Emperor John VIII Palaeologus)Pisanello (Antonio Pisano da Verona, c. 1395-c. 1455)1438 / BronzeOriginal
Medaglia di Clemente VII Celebrativa della Costruzione del Pozzo di San Patrizio ad Orvieto (Medal of Clement VII Celebrating the Construction of the St. Patrick's Well in Orvieto)Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571)1534 / Silver-plated metalOriginal
Medaglia Premio della Città di Pavia (Award Medal of the City of Pavia)Angelo Grilli (1910-2015)2003 / BronzeOriginal
Medaglia Celebrativa dell'Apertura del Concilio Ecumenico Vaticano II (Medal Celebrating the Opening of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council)Pietro Giampaoli (1898-1998)1962 / BronzeOriginal
Fusioni Celebrative di Giuseppe Verdi e del Teatro alla Scala di Milano (Fusions Celebrating Giuseppe Verdi and the Teatro alla Scala in Milan)Erminio Varisco (1919-2005)1983 / BronzeOriginal
Hortus Eystettensis (Garden of Eichstätt)Basilius Besler (1561-1629)Latin, German / 1613 / NurembergOriginal
Dante, con l'Espositione di Christoforo Landino, et di Alessandro Vellutello, sopra la sua Comedia dell'Inferno, del Purgatorio, e del Paradiso
(Dante, with the Exposition of Christoforo Landino, and Alessandro Vellutello, over His Comedy of Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven)
Dante Alighieri (c. 1265- 1321)1564 / VeniceOriginal
Veduta di Parigi (View of Paris)Jean-Baptiste Rigaud (1681?-1754)18th century (print run 19th century) / Etching and burinOriginal
Bibel (Bible)--1483 / NürenbergOriginal
Liber Primus Missarum (First Book of Masses)Josquin des Préz (c. 1440-1521)1516 / VeniceOriginal
Veduta del Salone Sistino (View of the Sistine Hall)Vincenzo Marchi (1818-1894)c.1860 / Watercolor drawing on paperImage reprinting
De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem (On the Fabric of the Human Body in Seven Books)Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564)Latin / 1543 / BaselOriginal
Istoria e Dimostrazioni Intorno alle Macchie Solari (History and Demonstration Concerning Sunspots)Galileo Galilei, 1564-16421613 / RomeOriginal
The 20th Century
TitleAuthorLanguage / Year /Region / MaterialNotes
Cappella Sistina: Veduta Generale e Particolare degli Affreschi della Volta (Sistine Chapel: General and Particular View of the Frescoes of the Vault)Adolphe Braun (1811-1877)1868-1870 / 2 photographic carbon prints, mounted on cardboardImage reprinting
Civitas Vaticana (Vatican City)Patrizio di Sciullo (1965- ) and Giuseppe Greco (1970-)
Based on a drawing by
2007 / Etching and burinOriginal
Veduta del Tempio e dei Palazzi Vaticani al Tempo di Paolo V (View of the Temple and the Vatican Palaces in the Time of Paul V)Giovanni Maggi (1571?-c. 1623)1615 / EtchingOriginal
Veduta del Vaticano con i Giardini (View of the Vatican with the Gardens)Mario Cartaro (c. 1540-1620)1574 / EtchingOriginal
Torneo nel Cortile del Belvedere (Tournament in the Belvedere Courtyard)--[1565] / Etching and burinOriginal
Veduta del Colosseo e del Tempio di Venere e Roma (View of the Colosseum and the Temple of Venus and Roma)Jackob Philipp Hackert (1737-1807)1768-1786 / Colored watercolor drawing, pen and black pencilImage reprinting
De Materia Medica (On Medical Material)Pedanius Dioscorides (c. 40-90)Greek, Latin / 15 century / ParchmentImage reprinting
Libro d'Ore (Book of Hours)--1480-1490 / Naples / ParchmentOriginal
Rotolo di Exultet (Exultet Roll)--Last quarter of 11th century / Cassino / ParchmentImage reprinting
Libro d'Ore (Book of Hours)--c. 1510 / ParchmentImage reprinting
Messale di Alessandro VI (Missal of Alexander VI)--End of 15th century / ParchmentImage reprinting
Lezionario (Lectionary)--1220 / Iraq / PaperImage reprinting
Bibbia (Bible)--Greek / 3rd century / PapyrusImage reprinting
Bambola alle Giarrette (Divertimento n˚ 3 ) (Doll at the Giarrette (Entertainment #3))Tranquillo Marangoni (1912-1992)1959 / WoodcutOriginal
Nova et Esatta Tavola del Mondo o Terra Universale (New and Exact Table of the World or Universal Land)Michel-Antoine Baudrand (1633-1700)1680 / Etching and burinOriginal
Erezione dell'Obelisco in Piazza san Pietro (Erection of the Obelisk in St. Peter's Square)Natale Bonifacio (1538-1592)
Based on a design by Giovanni Guerra (1544-1618)
1586 / Etching and burinOriginal
Giorno Sereno (Clear Day)Sigfrido Bartolini (1932-2007)1959 / Woodcut in two colors on exotic woodOriginal