回上一頁 蔡君彝, "“Disgusting Mi Fu and Making Dong Yuan Roll over Laughing: The Communicative Agenda and Production Context of Shitao’s Ten Thousand Ugly Inkblots Scroll” (惱殺米癲,笑倒北苑: 石濤《萬點惡墨圖卷》之創作背景與畫意研究)," (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 2005). 作者 蔡君彝 出版年份(畢業年份) 2005 文章名稱 “Disgusting Mi Fu and Making Dong Yuan Roll over Laughing: The Communicative Agenda and Production Context of Shitao’s Ten Thousand Ugly Inkblots Scroll” (惱殺米癲,笑倒北苑: 石濤《萬點惡墨圖卷》之創作背景與畫意研究) 學位論文 出版地(學校所在城市) Cambridge, MA 出版者(學校) Harvard University 最後更新日期:2021-10-14